Last week we installed a basic analog system at the Hidaway site to collect real-time weather data that we can access 24/7 on our cel phones and computers. If all goes as planned and the weather station isn’t molested by curious elk or a mischievous bear we will soon be collecting wind speed and direction, temperature, barometric pressure and rainfall totals. Anecdotally, we have noticed how quickly and seemingly random the weather changes up here – a balmy seventy-degree day and then wham! -snow that night, followed by blustery winds and then a beautifully calm day. Over time we hope to answer some questions; Is this late snowfall normal for 4000ft elevation in the Blue Mountains? Is there a pattern we’re not seeing? Are warming global temperatures impacting our local weather? Stay tuned – this weather station project ties in with a tribal pollination project and native-plant regeneration project.