Malibu Lagoon
In an effort to restore Malibu Lagoon to a healthy functioning wetland, a large alliance of ecologists and coastal stewards have removed tidal-flow obstructions and invasive plants within and around the lagoon. The restoration project, begun in May 2012, has already seen a marked improvement in lagoon health with increased species' diversity and wildlife sightings. Growing Solutions has collected and grown the native plants for the project, propagating over 65,000 plants for the wetland and surrounding upland areas. The planting phase has included many volunteer groups including students from the Santa Barbara City College Environmental Restoration program.
The Lagoon is functioning better all the time! An adult steelhead trout was spotted in the lagoon on May 15th 2014 during post-construction monitoring. For the full story see the June 5th Topanga Messenger. And check out this underwater video of an adult school of striped mullet swimming in the lagoon made by EcoMalibu.
August 2017: For a recent article about protecting and respecting nesting seabirds in the Malibu Surfside News, Click Here!